A Spanner in the Works
The Nuts & Bolts of Business and Technology by A. Spanner. This podcast covers current developments within the business and technology landscape globally, and when applicable with a focus on the impact in Australia & New Zealand and the APAC region.
A Spanner in the Works
State of Burnout Report - The 2023 Update with Dr John Chan and Sally Clarke
Andreas Spanner
Season 1
Episode 38
Just in time for the new and from 1st April 2023 enforceable Code of Practice and Regulation "Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work" this in January 2023 recorded episode about the 'State of Burnout 2023' is going live.
Dr John Chan and Sally Clarke are taking us back to the origins of burnout, what has changed with regard to awareness, what the pandemic did to us with regard to burnout and what's necessary to get the lasting change needed.